Create finance infographics and slides

Piktochart is an information design tool that enables you to create finance graphics, reports, and presentations easily, with no graphic design skills.

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Over 11 million users worldwide design with Piktochart logo Bayer logo Oxfam verizon logo

Choose a free finance template to get started

Monthly Financial Performance Dashboard Infographics Template Infographics Financial Dashboard
Monthly Business Report Presentation Template Presentations Monthly Business Report
Differences Between Credit Cards and Debit Cards Comparison Infographic Template Infographics Differences Between Credit Cards and Debit Cards
Financial Statement Presentations Template Presentations Financial Statement
Financial Analysis Report Reports Financial Analysis Report
Financial Pitch Deck Presentation Template Presentations Financial Pitch Deck
Internal Audit Report Reports Internal Audit Report
Startup Monthly Financial Update Presentation Template Presentations Startup Monthly Financial Update

Finance professionals about Piktochart


say Piktochart helps them communicate complex business processes


say Piktochart helps everyone in the organization stay on the same page


say Piktochart improves the way complex financial reporting is done

Why Piktochart?

Create finance reports online

Visualize data in a professional finance report

Link your financial statement from Excel or Google Sheets to easily create graphs that automatically update in your finance report when your data does. Combine various charts into one page to create a professionally-looking, interactive finance dashboard, ready to impress your stakeholders.

Get started for free

Online & offline sharing

Share your visual content online or offline

Collaborate with your team on a finance presentation or visual. Share with stakeholders to gather feedback. Download finance graphics in high-resolution as PNG or PDF, and save your slides as a PowerPoint for offline use. It’s up to you how you want to use your content. And the visuals will not have our watermark.

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Create finance graphics easily

Create financial statements, infographics, and audit reports that look great

Piktochart is so simple that you can immediately use it, without training or graphic design experience. Start with a finance template designed by experts. Customize it to your brand, add the data and quickly get to a professionally-looking finance presentation or report.

Get started now

Start creating finance visuals right away

Join more than 11 million people who already use Piktochart to make graphics, reports, and presentations.