The second step on audience then is, if you don’t know your mind’s eye, the audience, or audiences that you’re trying to reach, you’ll never get there. A mistake that some brands make is when you search them, “Who you’re communicating to?” They say everybody. I was helping a brand last week. It’s a guy who’s a friend of mine and he runs an auction site for antiques and kind of movie props and stuff like that. I said, “Who’s your audience?” And he said, “I want to get the story out to as many people as possible.” I said, “That’s not what I asked you.” I said, “Who are your audience?” And he said, “Women who are redecorating their homes, or men who have a space, like a man cave who wants something curious.” I said that’s okay. Now I know who we’re talking to. I said I will tune in to those people when I tell the story. I tell a story in the book of the first company I worked in, it was a shoe company and I went in and my boss was the marketing director, and he had a stack of women’s magazines. So I just kind of poking fun at him. I was in my early 20s and I go, “Do you read women’s magazines?” He said, “We sell shoes to women. Unless we understand how women think and how women act, we’re not going to be able to meet that need and it was a really interesting kind of formative lesson for me in appealing to an audience. So I learned a lot there.