5 Best Social Media Post Generators

best social media post generators featured image

Running the social media marathon without tripping over your own feet is an art and a science.

With different ways to use ChatGPT and generative AI, I discovered all-in-one solutions that help you create social media posts, from writing captions, sourcing images to scheduling posts.

I went through five of these tools to see how much easier it made my life to manage social media.

Our methodology

To sift through the sea of social media content manager apps out there, I zeroed in on tools that met these criteria:

  • Generates captions
  • Sources images from the same interface
  • Has a free plan

I found plenty of tools that helped you generate AI captions, but far fewer met these criteria, which is why the list is fairly small.

After tinkering with each platform, I rated each tool based on:

  • how easy they are to use
  • the relevance of the output
  • how good the output was
  • how easy it was to schedule the post
  • how relevant the images were

As a disclaimer, at best, I’m not great at social media. My social profiles fluctuate between DOA and “Does this person still exist?”

With that in mind, I wanted to look for an AI tool that kick-starts the process of creating a post based on my needs, and how good of a job the tool was at being an all-in-one solution.

Where possible, I shared this prompt in each tool to generate the caption.

“Imagine you’re the social media manager for a trendy coffee shop called ‘BeanBuzz.’ Create an engaging Instagram post to promote our new seasonal drink, the ‘Caramel Macadamia Latte.’ Highlight its flavor profile, use enticing language, and encourage followers to visit our shop. Include coffee-related emojis.”

For images, I’d look for “coffee” or “caramel macadamia latte” and pick the best one (or the one that made me crave another cup).

With that out the way, let’s look at each of the tools starting with SocialBee.


example of a social media post about a new coffee made by socialbee
  • Ease of use: 4/5
  • Post relevance: 5/5
  • Post quality: 4/5
  • Scheduling: 5/5
  • Images: 5/5

SocialBee is a comprehensive social media management tool designed to streamline the process of content creation and scheduling across various platforms. At its core, SocialBee offers an AI social media post generator, a feature that automates the creation of engaging content. By inputting prompts, users can generate posts tailored to their needs, including captions and suggested hashtags.

Key Features:

  • Intuitive design
  • AI-driven content creation and scheduling
  • Efficient management of social media campaigns
  • Suitable for businesses of all sizes

Creating a social media post

example of a social media post about a new coffee made by socialbee

Starting off, SocialBee’s user interface was fairly easy to navigate. The dashboard for creating a new post includes several practical features, such as scheduling options, setting expiration times, categorization for future reference, and the ability to requeue posts for ongoing engagement.

You can create your own posts from scratch, or ask the AI assistant to help you out. However, the AI assistant wasn’t that easy to find, and I wish the buttons on the interface was somewhat bigger or more obvious.

When you click on the small AI button on the “create new post” page, you can either select from pre-made templates for various social media platforms or enter my own prompts for customized posts.

For an accurate assessment of how the posts would appear, you have to connect your social media profiles.

The quality of the content produced, whether based on my prompts or selected templates, met my expectations. Using an Unsplash photo and seeing the original photographer credited was a respectful feature.

The option to upload my own images or import designs from Canva introduced further customization. The hashtags suggested by the tool were relevant and likely to increase post visibility.

The post-scheduling feature of SocialBee suggests the best times for posting to achieve high engagement. For a social media dunce like myself, I appreciated the suggestions and made it easier to decide on optimal posting times.

Once I got used to the initial setup and onboarding, using the tool became straightforward.


  • SocialBee is a straightforward tool to use and its design makes it easy to navigate
  • The AI does a good job in crafting posts that can engage your audience
  • It takes the guesswork out of when to post


  • Some of the buttons on the user interface are really small


  • 14-day free trial
  • Startup (basic plan) from $29 per month
screenshot of radaar.io ai social media generator dashboard
  • Ease of use: 4/5
  • Post relevance: 5/5
  • Post quality: 3/5
  • Scheduling: 3/5
  • Images: 3/5

Radaar.io provides a versatile toolkit for social media management. It’s built to help businesses and digital marketers orchestrate their online presence.

From scheduling posts in advance to gaining insightful analytics about audience engagement, Radaar.io covers all the bases. It stands out by enabling real-time monitoring of social media conversations, ensuring brands can swiftly respond to comments and messages.

Key Features:

  • Intuitive design accessible for all user levels.
  • AI customization to match brand voice and strategy.

Creating a social media post

example of a social media post about a new coffee made by radaar.io

Using Radaar.io to create an AI-generated social media post was a straightforward process. Starting from the dashboard, I simply shared a prompt, selected which media provider I wanted to source images from, and chose the language for the post.

The platform offers a choice of six different media providers and supports post creation in seven languages: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Turkish, and Dutch.

After generating the post, Radaar.io provided a preview, allowing me to see the initial outcome. The generated copy was quite short, but the platform’s editor offered the flexibility to enhance the post.

Within the editor, I could chain comments, add a location, and tag profiles. After scheduling, the post appeared on the calendar, making it easy to track.

I was honestly impressed by how seamless the entire process was. It took less than 10 minutes to create the post and schedule it.


  • Really simple to use
  • No frills dashboard – share a prompt, choose an image, and publish or schedule
  • Can create posts in different languages


  • Can be too basic if you run a larger brand and need more features

Pricing Overview:

  • As of writing, the tool is still in Beta mode and free to use
  • Need to sign up for a plan to publish posts
  • 14 day free trial available
  • Plans start from Basic ($9.99 per month)


screenshot of semrush ai social media generator dashboard
  • Ease of use: 4/5
  • Post relevance: 3/5
  • Post quality: 3/5
  • Scheduling: 0/5
  • Images: 3/5

Here’s a tool I did not expect to be writing about in this list. If you’re not familiar with Semrush, it is an SEO tool to help you improve your search engine ranking.

Its main feature suite includes keyword research, site audits, competitor analysis, and more to enhance online marketing strategies.

Which comes back to my surprise when I saw they have an AI social media post generator. The main caveat is that it’s very limited, although it does meet some of my criteria. Semrush’s AI social media tool focuses on generating posts around recent news events. You can’t edit the content after it’s been generated, and it can’t create any other type of posts that isn’t related to a piece of recent news.

Key Features:

  • News-driven content suggestions
  • Trend adaptation for content

Creating a social media post

example of a social media post about nfl made by semrush

Semrush’s interface is simple and doesn’t give many choices. You have to pick from a carousel of news stories it aggregates. At first, I tried to find a story that was relevant to Piktochart. When I realized that the tool usually just ties the event back to what your company does, no matter what I picked, I had to change my approach.

A story about the NFL caught my eye, so I pretended to handle social media for a football gear shop.

The post it generated started off well, congratulating the winning team and mentioning the MVP correctly. But then, it awkwardly tried to sell our products, which felt strange. Usually, brand accounts on social media just behave and interact like normal people—they join in on conversations but don’t push their products so hard.

There was a choice for a picture, but the license-free pictures meant it was pretty generic. Outside of writing a caption and picking an image, you can’t schedule your post.

If reacting to recent news in regular posts is part of your social media strategy, this could be an interesting tool to use more in the future, as long as you don’t mind heavily editing and only using it as a foundation.


  • Keeps your content relevant by suggesting ideas based on the latest news.
  • Quickly updates its suggestions to keep up with what’s trending.


  • Unable to schedule posts
  • Extremely limited options for pictures
  • Very limited as you can only choose from news topics

Pricing Overview:

  • Using the tool doesn’t require any signups and is free


  • Ease of use: 4/5
  • Post relevance: 5/5
  • Post quality: 4/5
  • Scheduling: 3/5
  • Images: 3/5

If you’re looking for a versatile and user-friendly tool to create social media posts, you might want to check out Simplified. Simplified is a suite of AI-powered tools that help you with various aspects of content creation and marketing.

One of its features is an AI social media post generator that can quickly produce engaging and relevant posts for different platforms. You can either enter your own prompts or choose from a library of templates for various topics and industries.

In a nutshell, I found Simplified’s AI social media post generator to be a reliable, if not slightly vanilla tool to use (but maybe that’s the point considering the brand name). It does what you expect with little fuss. The only issue involved scheduling, but I got there in the end. For a free plan, it’s a sturdy social media management tool that will help you create and schedule posts, with the capacity for analytics to see how they’re performing.

Key Features:

  • Quick content generation
  • User-friendly interface
  • Scheduling capabilities

Creating a social media post

screenshot of simplified ai social media generator dashboard

Simplified has an AI assistant that helps you create social media captions. You interact with the dashboard through a chatbot, much like ChatGPT.

You have the option to ask the chatbot to assume the role of different marketing personas (I chose social media manager).

Generating the post from my prompt was easy and pretty quick. I found that the caption is okay but fairly long for an announcement of a new coffee.

I also noticed there wasn’t an AI assistant for images, so I had to manually search for one.

On the free plan, you cannot save a draft and can only publish the post now or schedule for a later date.

Scheduling was initially tricky. They asked me to download the Simplified app on my phone, which I did, but it didn’t sync with the desktop browser app. After some back and forth, I could eventually schedule the post from my browser.

Another issue I found with Simplified was the size of the buttons. They were a bit too small and sometimes hard to click.

example of a social media post about a new coffee made by simplified

On the positive side, I liked the layout of Simplified, which opens new windows side by side. This makes it easy to see previews or new menus while still keeping the caption or the AI assistant in view. I also liked the variety of marketing personas and goals that Simplified offers, which could be useful for different types of posts.

Overall, I think Simplified is a decent tool for creating social media captions, but it has some room for improvement. The post quality, while relevant, felt kind of bland and generic. The output likely would have been better if I upgraded to the paid plan and used the chat GPT 4.

The scheduling feature was also a bit finicky, and I had to deal with some glitches and sync issues. The image selection was also disappointing, as I had to do it manually and could not rely on the AI. I think Simplified could be a great tool if it fixed these issues and added more features, such as image AI, draft saving, and button resizing.


  • New windows open up side by side so you can refer to other tools at the same time
  • Using the tool is straightforward and easy


  • Buttons are a bit small
  • No AI image generator
  • Content generated with ChatGPT3.5 which felt blend

Pricing Overview:

  • Free plan available
  • Paid plans start from $30 per month


When it comes to managing social media, finding a tool that does everything you need to create posts isn’t easy. But if your budget is tight and you need a little help from AI to create content, ChatGPT could be a good option.

The AI tool that started the generative AI revolution is great for anyone needing to come up with post ideas, write catchy captions, or get some creative inspiration. It’s a cost-effective choice, especially when other tools require you to sign up for a plan for full access.

However, free tools have their limits, especially with OpenAI’s free generative AI model. At best, it’s good for giving you something to work with, but you’ll need to heavily edit the output for it to be usable. The free model doesn’t give you access to Dall-E 3, so you’ll need to install a plugin if you want it to fetch images for you.

ChatGPT3.5 did fine on the test. The caption read somewhat similar to the other outputs, which is to be expected since they all use ChatGPT as their base. The extra step of installing the plugin is a one-time thing, but it means you need to open a new window when you want images.

It’s a good alternative if you need help with generating ideas and you’re working on your own.

Key Features:

  • Wide range of idea generation
  • Suitable for various social media platforms
  • Can automate part of the content creation process

Creating a social media post

example of a social media post about a new coffee made by chatgpt

As mentioned earlier, the caption it provided was okay, but maybe at that point I’m used to seeing the same caption given from the same prompt.

ChatGPT provided the output really quickly, which is to be expected since I’m working directly with the generative AI. If you spent more time with it, you could have asked it for more alternatives.

For the image, I installed a free plugin that allowed me to source images directly from the conversation box. I was impressed by its choice, and liked that it gave me a link to download the file. While it’s not automated, it still does the job with a couple of extra steps.

Unfortunately, the limitations of ChatGPT became clear when it came to scheduling. There’s no option through the conversation box, and you’ll need to know how to code to work with the API for any automation.

suggestion by chatgpt on best times to schedule social media posts

However, with a bit of creativity, you can leverage ChatGPT’s strengths as a brainstorming tool. I asked it what were my best options to schedule my posts, and it came back with some actually helpful suggestions.

Now, a social media manager might see this as extremely basic knowledge. I’m aware. If anything, it provides a base if I was starting my brand’s social media campaigns. With analytics, I can further adjust my strategy once I get some posts in the wild. I just appreciated that it gave some helpful suggestions.


  • Good as a brainstorming tool
  • Can generate different types of posts suitable for different social media platforms, based on your prompts


  • Not an all-in-one interface
  • Zero scheduling capability
  • ChatGPT3.5 gives decent output that needs tweaking


  • ChatGPT 3.5 is a free plan
  • To use ChatGPT4, you must subscribe to ChatGPT Plus at $20 per month, which gives you access to the Dall E 3 image generator and better text output

5 ways to use AI social media post generators

These are some of the best social media content generators available in 2024 that help you create a post from start to finish in one dashboard (more or less). In my experience of working with AI tools, I learned that they make for assistance, but shouldn’t be the final result.

If I were to manage social media full-time, here are some of the ways I would leverage these AI social media post generators.

Making Captions Easy

Working with words is part of my job. However, creating social media posts is a different format I’m not as comfortable or familiar with. Using an AI social media post generator can be a great stopgap when I’m trying to create a post and stuck for what to say.

Used well and with the right prompts, AI can give you a caption to work with and provide relevant hashtags to boost your reach.

Gather Relevant Images

Finding the right images can turn a good social media post into a great one. But scrolling through endless galleries for that perfect picture? Not always the best use of time.

With an AI tool, you can quickly find images that match your post’s vibe and message. I found it helpful to ask AI to generate an image close to what I was looking for, and voila – a selection of relevant images at my fingertips.

While you might not use the final result (and you probably shouldn’t since it’s not unique), it serves as inspiration for what types of images might go well with certain posts.

Brainstorm Ideas for Future Social Media Posts

Staring at a blank screen, waiting for inspiration to strike, is a familiar situation for many of us. AI can be the brainstorm buddy to break writer’s block.

I’d probably feed it topics related to my brand or audience interests, and work with the variety of post ideas. For many copywriters and wordsmiths, coming up with ideas can be daunting since we put so much pressure on ourselves to share only the best ones.

With generative AI, it shares all types of ideas, even the rubbish ones. It lifts the pressure from your shoulders by giving you the bandwidth to workshop all sorts of content. You usually find at least one great one hidden amongst all the average content.

Experiment with Different Post Formats

Sticking to one type of post is like eating the same meal every day – it gets boring, both for you and your audience. AI tools encourage you to mix things up by making it easy to try different post formats.

Want to see how a quiz might engage your audience? Or maybe a quick poll? AI can help set these up, allowing you to test and learn what resonates best with your followers. When I’m stuck in a rut, I can use generative AI as a soundboard to test different post formats if I want to change my strategy.

Publish Content on a Regular Schedule

Consistency is key in keeping your audience engaged, but keeping up can be overwhelming. This is where I’d find the scheduling features of AI tools to keep my engagement rate alive.

You can plan your posts ahead of time, deciding when and where each piece of content goes live. It’s like setting up a series of dominoes; once you’ve got everything in place, you can watch your content strategy execute itself smoothly, keeping your social media presence active and your audience engaged.

Keep in mind that scheduling features aren’t available with many all-in-one social media post generator tools, so test them to see which works for you.


Whether you’re sharing a cool photo or making a video post, using the best AI social media post generator helps a lot with social media management with just a few clicks. But even though you can generate social media posts fast for any social media channel, it’s still important to add your own touch.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do AI Social Media Post Generators Ensure Content Originality and Avoid Plagiarism?

AI social media post generators maintain content originality and avoid plagiarism through the use of sophisticated algorithms. These algorithms are designed to generate unique content by cross-referencing existing online material. That being said, generative AI is prone to hallucinating when it’s working with complex instructions or unfamiliar data, so ensure you fact-check all the output before publishing.

Can These AI Tools Adapt to and Reflect a Brand’s Unique Voice and Tone in Their Generated Content?

AI tools are capable of adapting to and reflecting a brand’s unique voice and tone in their generated content. By analyzing a brand’s previous content and preferences, these tools can customize their outputs to seamlessly match the brand’s specific style and messaging, ensuring consistency across all posts.

What Are the Limitations of Using AI for Social Media Content Creation in Terms of Understanding Cultural Nuances and Sensitivities?

One of the primary limitations of using AI for social media content creation is its challenge in fully comprehending cultural nuances and sensitivities. Despite advancements, AI may not always accurately predict or understand the depth of human emotions and the subtleties of different cultural contexts, which can impact the relevance and appropriateness of content. This is why it’s especially important that you heavily edit the output to add your experience and expertise.

How Do These AI Tools Handle Complex, Industry-Specific Jargon When Generating Posts for Niche Markets?

The ability of AI tools to handle complex, industry-specific jargon varies. While some tools are equipped with extensive databases that allow them to navigate and incorporate specialized terminology effectively, others may require manual adjustments to ensure the content accurately reflects the intricacies of niche markets.