7 Free eBooks to Supercharge Your Digital Marketing Strategy

September 18, 2023
free ebooks, free digital marketing ebook, marketing strategy ebooks

We all know knowledge is power, which means you need to add as many reading materials into your digital marketing arsenal as possible. The marketers of today have their pick of the litter when it comes to free reading materials, but as the Internet is a vast ocean of resources – it’s difficult to know where to start.

So we’ve gone and done some of the heavy lifting for you. As digital marketers ourselves, we curated a list of some of the best free ebooks we’ve come across on the web that run the gamut of SEO, data visualization, social media hacks, and content marketing strategy.

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How to Use Data Visualization to Win Over Your Audience by HubSpot

data visualization ebook
Source: HubSpot

While it’s widely understood that data is one of the best ways to support an argument, it still happens far too often that data-packed presentations, reports, and infographics end up losing the audience because it just didn’t offer a visual enough experience.

There are certain tactics you can employ to make your data work for you, instead of against you, and this eBook helps people hailing from all levels of the organization to learn proper design techniques when presenting stats, facts, and figures. Armed with this book, you will also learn how to communicate more effectively to your teams, which is a win-win for everyone.

Top 25 Social Media Strategies by Buffer

social media strategies
Source: Buffer

There was a time when developing social media strategies was like charting new territory, but now there are well-worn, surefire tricks to bring you to social success. Buffer has pulled 25 social media strategies from some of its most popular blog posts – which are hacks that they’ve personally tried or have on their to-do list.

The eBook has strategies for Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and others, which includes tips such as: Finding and engaging with influencers, ways to optimize your posting frequency, and even ways to persuade your boss to recognize the value of social media.

Data-Driven Content Marketing by Uberflip

data driven content marketing ebook
Source: Uberflip

A solid content marketing strategy needs to be backed by deep understanding of data analytics. Data isn’t only essential when informing your marketing decisions, but is also integral to determining whether your content is performing the way you need it to.

After reading Uberflip’s ebook on data-driven content marketing, you will be able to learn three things:

  • How to use data to fuel the content creation process
  • How to measure content distribution effectiveness
  • Glean the skills to gather the necessary performance data to create a strategy

How to Generate Leads Using Infographics by Piktochart and HubSpot

generate leads using infographics

Infographics, visual content that combines data, graphics, and text, are a beautiful and easy way to communicate. An infographic without a working strategy behind it might just fall flat, which is why we teamed up with HubSpot for the second time to make this eBook.

After reading this eBook, you’ll get 11 actionable tips for lead generation using infographics, learn how to repurpose content into infographics, learn how to optimize infographics for social media, and also understand how to pitch infographics to media and content-curation outlets. If you want to directly jump into creating infographics, you can sign into our template gallery to get started.

The Conversion Marketer’s Guide to Landing Page Copywriting by Unbounce

the conversion marketers guide to landing page copywriting
Source: Unbounce

Unbounce insists that the quality of your landing page copy is responsible for the success or failure of every marketing campaign you run. That’s enough to leave anyone with a mediocre landing page in a cold sweat.

This eBook, which contains 56 pages of “hard-learned secrets” from pro copywriter Joanna Wiebe, explains whether your landing page copy is getting through to visitors, or pushing them away. You will also learn things like: What a click-worthy call to action looks like, and what the elements of high-converting landing pages are.

The Marketer’s Guide to Facebook by Contently

The Marketer’s Guide to Facebook by Contently
Source: Contently

The power of Facebook is pretty unfathomable, but this will put it into perspective: A whopping 25% of global Internet traffic is owed to the social network. It’s a gold mine for brands hoping to keep current customers engaged, and to win over new ones – if you know how to navigate.

This eBook created by Contently deep dives into the way Facebook works and how it came to be, all from a content marketing perspective. You will be able to learn how to leverage its ad platform for big results, get tips from top Facebook industry experts, and examine case studies from brands that have mastered the platform.

Beginner’s Guide to SEO by Moz

Beginner’s Guide to SEO by Moz
Source: Moz

This is more a series of articles than an eBook, although it is still organized just like the chapters of a book. There are many SEO-related resources on the web, but Moz’s guide has been read over three million times and works as an in-depth tutorial on how search engines work.

You will learn the fundamental strategies in making your website more search engine-friendly, which includes understanding how people interact with search engines, keyword research, and how things like usability and content affects rankings.

A Growing List of Resources

We consider this a working list of quality free eBooks, and could use your help to make this a go-to resource for all budding digital marketers out in the world. If there’s a free eBook that’s helped you along your digital marketing journey – get in touch here. We’d love your input!

With Piktochart, you can customize each template by editing every element. Personalize by using your brand assets. Piktochart does not limit you to infographics, you can create posters, reports, presentations, and even find eBook layouts!

Iris Leung