Customer Story

How Marketing Agency The Bright Millennial Scales With Piktochart

Anne Payuan


The first step to success begins with a desire to make the dream a reality.

This inspiring story is about taking the bold step to pursue a dream.

As part of our #PiktoChat series, Wilson had a brief chat over Zoom with Anne Payuan, a social media content creator and co-founder of The Bright Millennial and The Bright Media, to discuss how she used Piktochart to scale her digital marketing agency.

Since 2018, Anne has been an avid user and supporter of Piktochart. She is the co-founder of The Bright Millennial, one of the Philippines’ leading finance Facebook pages. With more than 300,000 followers on Facebook and an average of one million reaches for their posts, the page promotes financial literacy to young professionals.

With the incredible success of The Bright Millennial, Anne went on to co-found a digital marketing agency, The Bright Media, focusing on creating digital content and managing social media campaigns for many brands and thought leaders in the Philippines.   

A transformed career

Anne was first introduced to Piktochart in 2018 by her friends when a need arose for her to help her partner, Garrett (co-founder of The Bright Millennial), to market their brainchild, The Bright Millennial, online.

Due to her lack of experience and knowledge with Photoshop, she started scouring for online design editors but found them difficult to use despite the vast availability of templates.

It all changed when she was introduced to Piktochart.

Within the first try, Anne fell in love with the tool and has been using Piktochart for every piece of her content for about three years now.

That opened up more doors for project opportunities and partnerships which she deemed as impossible to attain in the past. With the increase in demand, both Anne and Garrett co-founded The Bright Media to focus mainly on social media marketing and digital marketing.

Despite her lack of experience, Piktochart has been supportive and provided inspiration for her career.

Piktochart became more than just an online editor as she connected with our team and has maintained a good relationship for partnerships since then.

The increasing trend of visual communication

As an experienced digital marketer today, Anne believes that one has to be an effective communicator of their message and product. Visual communication helps one to extend their communication to a wider scope of the audience regardless of age and background.

The ease of understanding with visual communication breaks down the wall and helps the audience understand the message and product in a simpler manner.

Evidently, the trend of visual communication in digital marketing has increased especially among the millennials and traditional marketing just won’t cut it.

Every business and brand has the common goal of connecting with its audience, and visual communication has proven to the perfect solution.

“Marketing a business online isn’t just about writing documents or being a good writer. Having a visual to go with the text will attract more clients and support. Visual communication is vital for every business.”

Anne Payuan, Co-Founder at The Bright Millennial and The Bright Media

Growing the business and influence nationally

With the hard work put in by Anne and Garrett to grow their business, a golden moment led to an explosion in growth when an infographic Anne created for The Bright Millennial went viral on Facebook.

The simple process of turning a long article into an infographic using Piktochart blew the roof off the joint, reaching a million people on Facebook in 30 minutes.

That content plus other viral content created using Piktochart led to further opportunities in the Philippines and abroad. Garett began receiving a lot of invitations to speaking engagements, radio and television interviews, and also being featured in magazines and news articles.

All of this newfound success was the result of the infographic that has gone viral online.

In the eyes of the public, The Bright Millennial became experts in financial literacy due to their infographics, which are easy to understand and digestible for their audience.

According to Anne, her proudest moment is when they get to help people to be financially literate through the infographics they have created. That impact is immeasurable beyond the recognition and success of their business.

Today, The Bright Millennial has more than 30 financial advisors and over a thousand clients in their portfolio. On the other hand, The Bright Media has catered to hundreds of clients and Anne is leading a team of five employees to operate this digital marketing agency.

Piktochart is their go-to tool for every content.

“I honestly don’t think I’ll ever be here if it wasn’t for Piktochart.”

Anne Payuan , Co-Founder at The Bright Millennial and The Bright Media

Visual communication tips for getting a message across

After working on designing countless content, Anne learned that it is of primary importance to communicate who you are, what you do, and what you believe in. All these aspects would be reflected in visual communication so a message is communicated effectively to the audience.

She also suggests that visual communication shouldn’t be made complicated. The simpler it is, the better it is. The main focus should be ensuring the audience understands the message and hence, Anne suggests keeping it easy and leave out jargon if necessary.

Finally, according to Anne, one cannot underestimate the importance of a strong visual identity. A cohesive look and on-brand design language reflect and enhance your business. Therefore, this aspect would require investment and research to learn the new trends, so the business and brand stand out among its competition.

Favorite features of Piktochart

Out of the many features on Piktochart, Anne finds the variety of clip arts and icons a great benefit. When she first got started with Piktochart, she could access all the clip arts and icons with the free plan, which was beneficial to get her started with her business.

Anne also appreciates the vast amount of photos in Piktochart thanks to its integration with Unsplash. She could easily search a keyword and find a photo suitable for her liking.

All in all, Anne finds the templates on Piktochart original and the designs are top-notch according to her. This helps to inspire her creativity with her visual creation on days when she is facing a creative block.

Infographic templates for Marketers

Blog Promo Instagram Post
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