What is Visual Storytelling?

Learn the fundamentals of visual storytelling – how you can communicate more effectively with visual storytelling. This free visual storytelling course covers everything you need to know to make your story stick — from content, typography, and color psychology to images.

This course is for you if you want to:

🧠 Make Your Communication More Effective

Visuals help your audience memorize your message, improve your credibility, and positively impact decision-making.

🤝 Convince Your Stakeholders

Learn how visual storytelling can help you translate text- and data-heavy content into easy-to-grasp concepts that sell.

📣 Grow Brand Awareness

Start creating infographics and social media graphics in minutes. Expand your brand presence online with low effort.

Course Introduction

What is the Fundamentals of Visual Storytelling?

We all live to tell our stories, whether as a business or as an individual. In this fast-paced era, we have the luxury of choosing our ways of communication. As studies show, one of the most effective is visual communication, also known as visual storytelling. Let’s start your journey of becoming a visual storyteller!

Duration: 1:32

Introduction to Visual Storytelling

Visual storytelling is closer to us than we realize. You might be applying visual storytelling in your work and life without knowing. The good news is that every human is equipped with visual storytelling skills. Our goal is to help you realize it so that you can hone those skills and benefit from them.

Duration: 4:51

Introduction to Content Structure and Typography

Content and Content Structure

In this lesson, we’re going to learn about knowing your content and how to structure it to deliver an impactful message. The core of communication lies in the message or story you’re passing on to your audience. To communicate is to share or exchange information, news, or ideas. Communication happens between two sides, informant and recipient.

Duration: 5:52

Typography and Fonts

In this lesson, we’re going to learn about typefaces (also known as fonts), which give personality to your content. You will also find out how to choose the right font to amplify the meaning of your message and convey your feelings. Depending on the choice of fonts, one message can be interpreted in two totally different directions. It is important to choose fonts that best represent your message and intention.

Duration: 6:59

Creating a Typography Poster in Piktochart

In this video tutorial, we show you how you can easily create engaging graphics using typography. Suppose you want to design a unique virtual conference poster, a newsletter banner, or a social media graphic for LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, or X. In that case, this video will guide you through the process.

Duration: 3:52

Introduction to Color Study

Creating a Color Scheme

Similar to finding the best pair of fonts, finding the best color starts from knowing each of them and their characteristics. You might have heard of color psychology; it is a study of colors in relation to human behavior. By the end of this lesson, you will be able to confidently use well-paired colors in your visual to pass your message across.

Duration: 5:12

Assigning Colors

In this lesson, we will share a few tips and see examples of assigning colors to texts, icons, backgrounds, and even photos, to better tell your story. We’re going to learn how to assign each color from the color scheme we have.

Duration: 3:36

Creating Color Schemes in Piktochart

In this video tutorial, we will show you two simple ways to sample colors from whatever image you’d like inside Piktochart. Armed with these techniques you’ll be able to create beautiful color schemes that match the color profile of your images.

Duration: 5:24

Introduction to Iconography

Choosing Icons

Why do we use icons to visualize our message? The human brain is accustomed to visual patterns instead of text. Naturally, it’s easier to understand and remember information that is accompanied by visual patterns than pure text, especially in this era of modernization, where information is overloaded on all channels.

Duration: 5:37

Using Icons in Piktochart

In this video tutorial, we show you how you can make a process flow diagram using icons with an easy-to-use design tool. This type of diagram has many use cases. It can help to simplify your onboarding, visualize a workflow/cycle or summarize customer feedback to stakeholders.

Duration: 6:03

Introduction to Data Visualization

Visualizing Data

Data visualization helped to illustrate the information so that it’s easier to spot the trends, outliers, or patterns, which indirectly improves the decision-making process. In this lesson, we will learn how we can visualize your data accurately with data visualization. You will familiarize yourself with the different types of charts and ultimately use the right charts to tell a story.

Duration: 4:25

Visualizing Data in Piktochart

In this video tutorial, we will show you how to create an eye-catching interactive sales or marketing dashboard (or any dashboard for that matter).

Duration: 12:20

Introduction to Photography

Choosing Photos

A visual metaphor is a pictorial analogy or perception of an idea, subject, or place. It illustrates a comparison between what is in the visual (including its connotations and denotations) and its symbolic meaning. In this lesson, we’ll also cover how to choose the right photos based on your message and how to capture the right angle that best represents your intention.

Duration: 7:32

Using Photos in Piktochart

Watch how you can apply what you’ve learned and visualize your story using photographs in Piktochart.

Duration: 3:29

Introduction to Layout Design

Designing a Great Hierarchy

Similar to how every element in visual storytelling serves a purpose, layout design does too; to provide hierarchy to your readers. By the end of this lesson, you will be able to confidently practice visual storytelling and come up with a professional visual.

Duration: 3:17

Modifying Layout Orientation in Piktochart

Watch how you can apply what you’ve learned and design a compelling layout in Piktochart.

Duration: 2:00

Learning Recap and Summary


Now that you’ve learned the step-by-step into the world of visual storytelling, you’re ready to become a visual storyteller. Watch the summary of your learnings throughout this course.

Duration: 1:32

“I’m grateful for this course for giving me greater confidence and knowledge to start creating templates from scratch when I need to. I am not a natural designer so the information about use of colors, layouts and fonts in particular were really helpful. I’m looking forward to putting my new found skills into practice.

Tina Edwin

“I thought I know much about designing but throughout this course, I learned new ways to design and what to watch for. Highly recommended for everyone.”

Sebastijan Sekol

“It was a very easy to learn course. So great at explaining and keeping it clean and simple to understand. Well done!”

Kat Carpio

“Interesting short learning course to undestand the basics of how to achieve the wow factor in my work/academic presenations.”

Judit Alegre

Ready to become a visual storyteller?

Join more than 11 million people who already use Piktochart to craft visual stories that stick.